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Released: 16 October


La Victrola ha annunciato l’uscita di un nuovo triplo cd intitolato “Avventura In Oriente” con la colonna sonora originale del film “Harum Scarum” e tutte le take alternative di ogni brano. Non si tratta di materiale inedito, ma a quanto pare la qualità audio è la migliore realizzata fino ad oggi. Le outtakes provengono da una copia diretta di una cassetta DAT realizzata nel novembre 1989 a New York City. I master mono invece provengono dalla prima stampa inglese dell’lp “Harem Holiday”.


Disc 1

01. Go East, Young Man (master)
02. So Close, Yet So Far (From Paradise) (master)
03. Shake That Tambourine (master)
04. Mirage (master)
05. Kismet (master)
06. Hey, Little Girl (master)
07. Golden Coins (master)
08. My Desert Serenade (master)
09. Harem Holiday (master)
10. Animal Instinct (master)
11. Wisdom Of The Ages (master)
12. Shake That Tambourine (takes 7, 8, 10)
13. So Close, Yet So Far (From Paradise) (take 1)
14. My Desert Serenade (takes 1-3)
15. Wisdom Of The Ages (takes 1, 2)
16. Kismet (takes 1, 2)
17. Hey, Little Girl (takes 1, 2)
18. Animal Instinct (take 1)
19. Golden Coins (takes 1-4)
20. Harem Holiday (takes 1, 2)

Disc 2

01. Animal Instinct (takes 3, 4)
02. Shake That Tambourine (takes 14, 16)
03. Wisdom Of The Ages (take 3)
04. My Desert Serenade (take 7)
05. Kismet (takes 3-5)
06. Golden Coins (takes 7, 8)
07. Hey, Little Girl (take 3)
08. Shake That Tambourine (takes 18-21)
09. So Close, Yet So Far (From Paradise) (take 3)
10. So Close, Yet So Far (From Paradise) (take 4)
11. My Desert Serenade (take 8)
12. My Desert Serenade (take 10)
13. Wisdom Of The Ages (take 4)
14. Harem Holiday (movie version)
15. My Desert Serenade (movie version)
16. Go East, Young Man (movie version)
17. Mirage (movie version)
18. Kismet (movie version)
19. Shake That Tambourine (movie version)
20. Hey, Little Girl (movie version)
21. Golden Coins (movie version)
22. So Close, Yet So Far (From Paradise) (movie version)

Disc 3

01. Harem Holiday (mono master)
02. My Desert Serenade (mono master)
03. Go East, Young Man (mono master)
04. Mirage (mono master)
05. Kismet (mono master)
06. Shake That Tambourine (mono master)
07. Hey, Little Girl (mono master)
08. Golden Coins (mono master)
09. So Close, Yet So Far (From Paradise) (mono master)
10. Animal Instinct (mono master)
11. Wisdom Of The Ages (mono master)
12. A Slave To Your Kiss (unused demo)
13. Wisdom Of The Ages (an alternate song – unused demo)
14. Harum Scarum movie trailer
15. Crying In The Chapel (takes 1-3)
16. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (take 1)
17. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (takes 2-4)
18. Such An Easy Question (movie version)
19. I Feel That I’ve Known You Forever (movie version)
20. Do The Clam (movie version)
21. Do The Clam (instrumental track – take 5, acetate)
22. Interview with Herman’s Hermits (August 18, 1965, Honolulu, Hawaii)