Released: 1 March
“Elvis -The Alternate 1969 Recordings” è il titolo di questa grande raccolta di registrazioni alternative delle leggendarie sessioni di Memphis di Elvis all’American Sound Studio nel 1969 più una versione alternativa di “Let Us Pray” con cori unici registrati per il film “Change Of Habit” della Universal.
Questo cd contiene oltre 20 brani rari ufficialmente inediti, 4 brani bonus tratti da acetati, l’inedita take 5 di “True Love Travels On A Gravel Road” con Elvis che canta “Streets paved with fucking gold”, take inediti di “Any Day Now” e altro ancora… Alcune delle registrazioni in acetato usate per questo album sono gravemente danneggiate e sono state incluse come bonus speciale.
Edizione limitata di sole 500 copie.
01. After Loving You (take 1) 1:34
02. Rubberneckin’ (take 1 / unedited) 1:29
03. Rubberneckin’
(backup vocals overdubbed to January 21 master / partial backing vocals) 2:14
04. I’m Movin’ On
(band & brass overdubs after backup vocal overdubs / unrepaired vocals) 3:00
05. Inherit The Wind (unused composite master) 3:03
06. Suspicious Minds (harmony vocal overdub by Elvis) 3:22
07. Don’t Cry Daddy (undubbed master / acetate recording) 2:54
08. Any Day Now (take 1 & 2 / unedited) 6:23
09. True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (take 5 / unedited) 4:15
10. Mama Liked The Roses (undubbed master / acetate recording) 2:46
11. In The Ghetto (part of take 12) 0:11
12. In The Ghetto (backup vocals overdubbed to take 22 / unrepaired vocals) 2:50
13. Inherit The Wind
(vocal overdub – V.O.2 / string overdubs on May 5 / not used) 3:26
14. Any Day Now (take 3 / unedited) 6:12
15. Any Day Now (take 4 / unedited) 6:50
16. From A Jack To A King
(backup vocals overdubbed to January 22 master / unrepaired master) 2:22
17. This Is The Story (backup vocal overdub on January 24) 2:30
18. Wearin’ That Loved On Look (unused composite master) 2:43
19. Poor Man’s Gold (instrumental track) 2:52
20. Poor Man’s Gold (vocal attempt) 0:12
21. Let Us Pray (backup vocal overdub on March 26 / not used) 2:59
22. Power Of My Love
(harmony vocal overdub by Elvis on February 22 / incomplete) 1:14
23. Do You Know Who I Am (harmony vocal overdubbed after vocal repair) 2;58
24. Mama Liked The Roses (strings overdubbed, after brass overdubs) 2:32
25. True Love Travels On A Gravel Road
(harmony vocal overdub by Elvis on February 22) 2:26